As the ProMax is much smaller and very strong you can drive with the unit in the up position if you have no other option until your power issues are fixed. We would recommend a lower forward speed than normal (80Kms) to lower the stress on your structural beams. You can also loosen the main bolt (Allen key) on the lower arm and the unit will come down and then re-tighten the bolt again for travel (note, you will need to loosen the bolt again before re-powering the unit so the motor goes back the home position. You can then re-tighten the bolt and send the unit back up).
The ProMax is not effected by wind so you can leave the unit up.
If your controller is displaying “Sat Found” simply press the “OK” button and the Promax will do an auto fine tune to more precisely align the system.
Check to see if there are any trees in the way (see point 11) as they can block the signal also try to change satellites from VAST to Foxtel or Foxtel to VAST and press “OK” as the ProMax has now entered a full search of the sky that takes a long time, changing satellites will start the quick search again.
Move to the correct satellite name using arrows and press OK to confirm new satellite.
Yes there is, go to they have a very detailed guide. To assist with the continued running of the great free service SatKing also sponsor this site.
You have pressed the TV/Radio button and have entered the radio station section of the VAST receiver. Press the TV/Radio button again on the remote to enter the TV section again.
The VAST box will operate as per normal as both the Foxtel satellite (Optus D3) and the VAST satellite (Optus C1) co-exist in the same location. Selecting Foxtel 156 doesn’t mean that you will start receiving Foxtel channels on your VAST box, you will just receive your VAST channels.
Once the signal is locked you can simply power off the unit to save energy and to save putting the unit up and down all the time. The TV channels will continue to work no problems as the signal is powered by your satellite TV receiver.
To change your state via your VAST receiver
As the 2 locations are very close the ProMax maybe using the last GPS position to locate the satellite, simply change satellites. As example change from VAST to Foxtel or Foxtel to VAST, this will clear the GPS data and the unit will search again.
Press POWER to turn the unit on. HOME LED will be solid this means the antenna is ready to go. Select the satellite you wish to view (as example VAST) using the arrow buttons on the controller and press OK. The display will show “SEARCHING” and then “CHECKING” will appear on LCD screen when the ProMax finds a satellite. Once the unit has locked and confirmed the correct satellite has been found the display will show “SAT FOUND”.
Before travelling, press HOME to return the PRO MAX back to HOME position. If you forget and the ProMax is still powered, once you are travelling above 10kms per hour for 1 minute the unit will come down automatically.
Yes the Promax does have manual fine tuning, just press “Tune” on the controller and you can then fine tune the 3 different axis. SK stands for Skew (Polarity), AZ stands for Azimuth (direction) and EL stands for Elevation. To change between each of the motors just press “OK” and you can move to the next motor. Once finished press “Tune” and the settings will be saved or simply press the “Power” button to leave the dish up in your fine tuned position. Note it is best to use this function with and operating channel running and the info bar displayed down the bottom of the TV screen (press the info key to make this happen) so you can see the Quality bar to assist with adjustment.
A: If the trees are in the north or nor nor east direction (when you are in the eastern states) or north east (in WA) you may not be able to get channels, try moving your van a few metres and try to search again.
Yes all the gears in the Pro Max are meta
Yes as the Pro Max has two outputs so you can run both at the same time
The Pro Max requires the smallest amount of roof space on the market
The Pro Max uses very little power, once the unit has found the signal you can actually turn the unit off and use no power at all and still watch TV
The Pro Max uses special grid antenna panels and uses the most precise GPS alignment technology to achieve such high signal level
SatKing has a dedicated 1300 number and a large dealer network across Australia
The Pro Max is not affected by wind
The Promax has been specially designed for harsh Australian conditions. SatKing has specifically engineered the product here in Australia
Yes just press the "Power button" and then press "OK" and the Pro Max does the res
SatKing is a wholly owned Australian company and all the profits stay here